Collegiate Recovery

A Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) is a college or university-provided program that includes a supportive environment within the campus culture. CRPs reinforce the decision to engage in a lifestyle of recovery from addiction/substance use disorder. It is designed to provide an educational opportunity alongside recovery supports to ensure that students do not have to sacrifice one for the other. (Association of Recovery in Higher Education )

VCU leads a grant through the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services SOR Team dedicated to building CRPs across the Virginia.  You can access the Virginia Collegiate Recovery Guidebook to learn more about Virginia Collegiate Recovery Programs.

VCU also leads the Annual Mid-Atlantic Recovery Retreat each fall.  Our 2023 Retreat will be at Camp Mundo Vista, North Carolina September 29-October 1st.  Full Size Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Recovery Retreat Poster available for download for event information and qr code.